Featured Articles
Black Box Dance Theatre Residency Bursts with Creativity and Collaboration at J.S. Waters School
Courtesy: Chatham Arts Council
Two groups of students–the fifth and seventh grade at J.S. Waters School–ran into the multi-purpose room to greet the lead teaching artists of Black Box Dance Theatre: Natalie, Alfredo, and Kate.
BBDT Dancers Delight Fourth Graders at Pittsboro Elementary
Courtesy: Chatham Arts Council
Just before winter break, Raleigh-based modern dance company Black Box Dance Theatre spent three days with fourth-grade students in high energy dance workshops and performances. Students buzzed with excitement about the experience–and about the upcoming break (which allowed for some creative and colorful outfits!).
Movement & Storytelling | A Spotlight with Michelle Pearson
Courtesy: The Dance Complex, “This took me out of my comfort zone and I had a great time.”
Communications Associate, Kiersten Resch, recently interviewed Black Box Dance Theatre Artistic Director, Michelle Pearson, to learn more about her work and experience creating Those Who Served. Michelle is a dancer, choreographer, and master teacher who has been a guest artist and adjunct faculty member at Meredith College and American University, among many others. She was recognized by the NC Arts Council with a Choreographic Fellowship and was selected by the US Department of State to lead a Cultural Envoy to Sierra Leone in 2011 as well as Cultural Democracy missions to China in 2014 and 2016. Recently, the USO of NC has deemed Michelle and her cohort of dancers as SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and engaged them to lead Warrior Reset Programs for active duty service members.
Difícil realidad la de los veteranos de guerra (Difficult Reality of War Veterans)
Noticias 40 Univision North Carolina
"Lo más difícil es pensar que mi hijo no regrese vivo."
"The most difficult thing is to think that my son does not return alive," says the mother of a soldier expressing the thoughts of many parents who have children in the army.
Math In Motion
Courtesy: NC State College of Science News
Lidman’s latest research is funded by the National Science Foundation, which encourages scientists to think about fresh ways to communicate what they do to the general public. Lidman and Pearson embarked on a two-year collaboration, trying to figure out the best way to engage audiences both inside and outside the university with topology. The result is a performance entitled Applied Dance + Inspired Math
Injured War Veteran Finds Healing Through Dance
Courtesy: Independent Tribune
Alfredo Hurtado was about 10 minutes into his speech when his mind drew a blank. In the silence, he rapped on the wooden podium top for a few seconds, and then leaned into the microphone to reconnect with the audience.
“Please give me a second. Sometimes, I lose my thoughts,” he told them. “I have a Traumatic Brain Injury.”
Recently, Hurtado, a composer, musician and dancer for Black Box Dance Theatre in Raleigh, spoke at the Cabarrus Arts Council’s Annual Celebration, sharing his deeply personal story about the healing power of the arts on his life.
Cultural Democracy: Award Winning Film The Legend in My Heart
Courtesy: Wendy Lee, IWP ICRU Fellow
The Legend in My Heart, a film following the International Writing Program's 2014 Reading Tour to China, was the recipient of several awards from the 13th annual Wild Rose Film Festival, including Best International Documentary Feature.
Cultural Democracy: U.S. Dancer Mixes Modern Dance, African Beats, And Child Outreach
Courtesy: U.S. Embassy – Sierra Leone
American dancer and choreographer Michelle Pearson conducted an intensive dance workshop at the United States Embassy in Freetown from January 18-27. She worked with a local team of dancers, musicians, and child care workers to create a dance program for young children from Pikin Ballanta cultural group and Don Bosco Fambul boys’ home. The program concluded with a live performance hosted by Ambassador and Mrs. Michael S. Owen at their residence on January 27.